Tube Starik Carbon Kort

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kr 3 100,00

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Dette er en ny løpstube utviklet og produsert av den meget meriterte skytteren Guy Starik fra Israel. Tuben er utviklet gjennom mange år som skytter på topp internasjonalt nivå.

Den har en rekke nye og innovative egenskaper:

  1. Tuben har en vekt på 200 gram. Perfekt for skyttere som skyter i alle tre stillinger!

  2. Tuben har en tuner for bedre presisjon.

  3. Kort klemme rundt løp, kun 25 mm, for bedre presisjon.

  4. For best mulig tilpasning til din lengde på løpet og presisjon leveres tuben i to ulike lengder.

Starik-tuben kan skaffes i andre løps-diametere enn beskrevet, men da som bestillingsvare. Ta i så fall kontakt så ordner vi dette. Den lange tuben er 32 cm lang mens den korte er 19 cm.

Vi anbefaler rengjøring av tube mellom 500-1000 skudd. Bruk en plastikkbørste for best mulig resultat. Gjerne rett før skyting fremfor rett etter. Da har kruttrestene i tuben tørket…

Kommentarer fra Guy Starik selv
Extensive testing over the years has lead me to the conclusion that many of the barrel tubes available are not good enough! They work to some degree, in that they do increase the sight radius, but they are too heavy, most of them without a built in tuner, and their collar on the barrel is too long.

The Starik Carbon Tube is very light (about 200gr depending on tube length), allowing for “positive compensation”. This advantage alone sets the Starik Tube above the competition. But there is much more to it!

The other big advantage to the Starik Tube is its built-in Barrel Tuner.

The tuner is a weight which can be precisely position by minute steps, allowing you to find the “Sweet Spot” of the tuner, by precisely adjusting the position of the tuning weight, until the barrel oscillations, create “positive compensation” this greatly improving the accuracy with ammo of higher or lower velocity. This avoids vertical groups on the target.

Being able to “tune the barrel” is an art long since studied by long distance bench rest shooters, but largely ignored by many Olympic Rimfire competitors. This is a shame, as the tuning can make a real and meaningful improvement to your rifle’s accuracy!

As a bullet speeds through the barrel it creates a whipping effect in the barrel, much like a Sinus wave form. This is minute of course, but it does mean that a faster and a lower bullet will launch from the crown of the barrel at a slightly different angle within that sinus wave form. This leads to a vertical displacement on the target. Bearing in mind that even with good ammo, the variance in speed can be as much as 30 fps – this is a big deal! Usually, the faster bullet will hit higher on the target, and a variance of 30 fps will translate to about 5mm height difference on a 50m target. This is too much! Way too much!

In order to compensate for the variation in velocity, we need to verify that both slow and fast bullets will exit the barrel on the upper slope of the cycle, so that slower rounds, which stay longer in the barrel, will exit it on a higher angle than faster rounds, thus compensating for the difference in velocities, and avoiding vertical dispersion. This is called “positive compensation”.

Every Carbon Tube length can be custom made to barrel length required, using a calculation of odd harmonics to pre tune your rifle for best groups and decimal score.

Procedure for tuning:

Take 2 lots of ammo of the same year but with speed difference of 30-40fps.(1040fps and 1080fps). Shoot from a solid rest which the rifle can recoil back, or from position, if you are high level shooter. Normally, the faster lot will hit target about 6-8mm higher than the slower lot. You will need someone to help you turning the tuner while you are in shooting position.

Start with the tuner all the way back(closer to the muzzle),and shoot 3 shots from the slower lot. now change to the faster lot and shoot 3 shots. If both lots hit the target in the same vertical line, the rifle is tuned. If not, turn the tuner one full revolution (360 degrees), repeat the 3 shots from each lot.

When you are close to get the rifle tuned, use smaller turns of the tuner. The rifle is tuned when you can switch between the lots without any vertical difference of poi on the target.

You can't get positive compensation from a fixed test bench which doesn't recoil! There is a good chance your rifle will be tuned from the beginning because of the pre tuning I do by calculating the tube length to your rifle barrel length.

  • check Rask levering (2-4 dager)
  • check Sikker betaling
  • checkPrisløfte

Oppgi nøyaktig våpensystem og diameter løp, ved og sende oss en mail.

Dette er en ny løpstube utviklet og produsert av den meget meriterte skytteren Guy Starik fra Israel. Tuben er utviklet gjennom mange år som skytter på topp internasjonalt nivå.

Den har en rekke nye og innovative egenskaper:

  1. Tuben har en vekt på 200 gram. Perfekt for skyttere som skyter i alle tre stillinger!

  2. Tuben har en tuner for bedre presisjon.

  3. Kort klemme rundt løp, kun 25 mm, for bedre presisjon.

  4. For best mulig tilpasning til din lengde på løpet og presisjon leveres tuben i to ulike lengder.

Starik-tuben kan skaffes i andre løps-diametere enn beskrevet, men da som bestillingsvare. Ta i så fall kontakt så ordner vi dette. Den lange tuben er 32 cm lang mens den korte er 19 cm.

Vi anbefaler rengjøring av tube mellom 500-1000 skudd. Bruk en plastikkbørste for best mulig resultat. Gjerne rett før skyting fremfor rett etter. Da har kruttrestene i tuben tørket…

Kommentarer fra Guy Starik selv
Extensive testing over the years has lead me to the conclusion that many of the barrel tubes available are not good enough! They work to some degree, in that they do increase the sight radius, but they are too heavy, most of them without a built in tuner, and their collar on the barrel is too long.

The Starik Carbon Tube is very light (about 200gr depending on tube length), allowing for “positive compensation”. This advantage alone sets the Starik Tube above the competition. But there is much more to it!

The other big advantage to the Starik Tube is its built-in Barrel Tuner.

The tuner is a weight which can be precisely position by minute steps, allowing you to find the “Sweet Spot” of the tuner, by precisely adjusting the position of the tuning weight, until the barrel oscillations, create “positive compensation” this greatly improving the accuracy with ammo of higher or lower velocity. This avoids vertical groups on the target.

Being able to “tune the barrel” is an art long since studied by long distance bench rest shooters, but largely ignored by many Olympic Rimfire competitors. This is a shame, as the tuning can make a real and meaningful improvement to your rifle’s accuracy!

As a bullet speeds through the barrel it creates a whipping effect in the barrel, much like a Sinus wave form. This is minute of course, but it does mean that a faster and a lower bullet will launch from the crown of the barrel at a slightly different angle within that sinus wave form. This leads to a vertical displacement on the target. Bearing in mind that even with good ammo, the variance in speed can be as much as 30 fps – this is a big deal! Usually, the faster bullet will hit higher on the target, and a variance of 30 fps will translate to about 5mm height difference on a 50m target. This is too much! Way too much!

In order to compensate for the variation in velocity, we need to verify that both slow and fast bullets will exit the barrel on the upper slope of the cycle, so that slower rounds, which stay longer in the barrel, will exit it on a higher angle than faster rounds, thus compensating for the difference in velocities, and avoiding vertical dispersion. This is called “positive compensation”.

Every Carbon Tube length can be custom made to barrel length required, using a calculation of odd harmonics to pre tune your rifle for best groups and decimal score.

Procedure for tuning:

Take 2 lots of ammo of the same year but with speed difference of 30-40fps.(1040fps and 1080fps). Shoot from a solid rest which the rifle can recoil back, or from position, if you are high level shooter. Normally, the faster lot will hit target about 6-8mm higher than the slower lot. You will need someone to help you turning the tuner while you are in shooting position.

Start with the tuner all the way back(closer to the muzzle),and shoot 3 shots from the slower lot. now change to the faster lot and shoot 3 shots. If both lots hit the target in the same vertical line, the rifle is tuned. If not, turn the tuner one full revolution (360 degrees), repeat the 3 shots from each lot.

When you are close to get the rifle tuned, use smaller turns of the tuner. The rifle is tuned when you can switch between the lots without any vertical difference of poi on the target.

You can't get positive compensation from a fixed test bench which doesn't recoil! There is a good chance your rifle will be tuned from the beginning because of the pre tuning I do by calculating the tube length to your rifle barrel length.

Mer informasjon
  • loyalty PRISLØFTE
  • sentiment_very_satisfied FORNØYDE KUNDER
  • security SIKKER BETALING
  • local_shipping RASK LEVERING (2-4 DAGER)